Meet this handsome prince! He was only 13 days old when I took these pictures and was an absolute angel. I bugged and bothered, moved and accommodated him and only until the very end of the shoot did he cry and tell me he had enough. One of my favorite things about this shoot was that it was a family affair...his parents, 2 aunts, a grandma, a great grandma and even his future partner in crime cousin.
Almost 12 years ago I met these 2 shy little girls who LOVED eating at Dennys, had a strange fear of being left behind, and were horrible at clapping to a beat....and lets not forget, they thought I was crazy. 12 years later these little girls are practically women. They are bright, caring, talkative and passionate young ladies that I am proud to call my sisters in law...actually my sisters. Jessica turned 18 this year and is celebrating all the things senior year is all about, last friday was prom and it was a family affair watching Jess get ready. She looked extra gorgeous and I want to share that with the world.
your brother and I are very proud of you Jess....remember that always!
Its funny how every time a new baby is coming into my life I always! I really love _____ I wonder if its possible to love this next little person as much. And EVERY single time, that love is fulfilled and exceeds my anticipation. Case in beautiful niece Casey. Here she is at 11 days out boys, she's a cutie!
The gorgeous prince that is Danny was baptized last Sunday at St. Patricks Cathederal. After the ceremony, the family invited everyone for a lovely lunch at Texas de Brazil. One of the best parts of this baptism was interacting with all the cutie kids that were there.
Danny melts my heart with these eyes and one sided dimple!
Last Sunday the Arcia family got together to celebrate the upcoming arrival of the newest member of their family. Games, TONS of gifts and some yummy cupcakes made for a great time. Thanks for being so inviting and making me feel like part of the family. Cant wait to meet the little princess...
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The goal of my work is to capture you being YOU! Sounds simple but you'd be surprised how often people put their guard up when a camera is around.
Contact me to set up a shoot at or call me at 305-632-4494