Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Santa arrives!

Santa... dear old fat man Santa....what a guy! We anticipate his arrival and in a flash it comes and goes. This year we spent Christmas morning with some of our favorite Princess of Pixels Blog-Stars. 

                      The note Lukey and Tyler left for Santa             
"The Great Luke-ini" loved his magicians costume
Tyler had been asking Santa for a sandwich for quite a Santa obliged
Isabellas eyes lit up with every toy she opened
Kailey & Sophie gave me an improptu photoshoot...directed by Sophie of course.
Is there a better word than blessed to describe how I feel when I'm with these kids? Cuz if there is....let me know.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Just Golfing Around...

Eddie celebrated turning 4 by golfing the day away with a few of his favorite friends. Despite a slow start due to rain, the skies cleared up just in time for the kids to hit the green. 

This party had some of the cutest kids ever!
Check out the kids in this picture....they are freaking out because of the sparklers
Happy Birthday Eddie!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Bowling Bash!

To celebrate Kailey turning three her parents threw her a super fun birthday party at Strike Miami. Not sure if the little ones got the hang of the game but they sure did enjoy themselves throwing the heavy ball around. Seeing Kailey relish in having all her friends there was awesome!