The note Lukey and Tyler left for Santa

"The Great Luke-ini" loved his magicians costume
Tyler had been asking Santa for a sandwich for quite a Santa obliged
Isabellas eyes lit up with every toy she opened
Kailey & Sophie gave me an improptu photoshoot...directed by Sophie of course.

Is there a better word than blessed to describe how I feel when I'm with these kids? Cuz if there is....let me know.
there most definitely is a bunch of words I use when around some of these guys... and blessed SOMETIMES is one of them. So is crazed, fed up and insane. But they are cute and you have captured that perfectly. Thanks for helping us wait for the man in the red suit this year.
I think the great Lukini should get together with the great Omarini and share their magic tricks! Maybe I should buy Omar one of those costumes as well! Great pics!
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