Monday, September 29, 2008


Ask me what the perfect job is and my answer would be getting paid to photograph the world!! Until that opportunity comes a knockin'...I'll pay to photograph the world. Here are a few shots from a recent trip the hubby and I took to Chicago.
I loved Wrigley. The excitement in the air is contagious

The hubby was a pretty big Cubbies fan when he was young so being able to share his first game at Wrigley field was truly special. Here is a shot of the Cubs vs. Phillys game through his eyes....they lost...minor details.

Any city with this many beer options is a city that is A-Ok in my book ;)


...just a thought said...

AWESOME!!!! CONGRATS!!! So proud of all of you talented, young, up and coming FAMOUS photogs!!!

Congrats and Good Luck Keki... I'm very excited and proud of you.


Mel said...

Great shots my friend! I love the added touches and can't wait to see more of the goods ;)
Lots of luck and keep 'em coming!

Cristy said...

woo hoo! this is sooo exciting! sooo many photog friends and family! i'm loving this. i wish you the best of luck babe!